When the product of value and weight is positive, it contributes to pushing the sum above zero. 当值与权重的乘积是正的时,它有助于促使和大于0。
The area of a trapezoid is equal to the product of its altitude and half the sum of its bases. 梯形的面积等于其高与其两底和的一半的乘积。
Genuine peace must be the product of many nations, the sum of many acts. 真正的和平必定由许多国家、许多行动造成的。
It is found: 1) when the product of cavity order sum q and squeezing order N, q · N is even, state|Ψ ( 4) o, e,ⅰ〉 q always presents equal order N H minimum uncertainty state; 结果发现:1)当腔模总数q与压缩阶数N的乘积q.N为偶数时,态Ψ(4)o,e,〉q恒处于等阶N-H最小测不准态;
By the product of bulb generator, we sum up new technology and manufacture level, promoting the progress of technology and quality control of fabrication process. 通过贯流式水轮发电机的制造,总结了贯流式发电机主要件焊接的新工艺,促进了工艺技术的进步和装焊过程的质量控制。
By using block matrix sequence, the equation expression of matrix sum and matrix product sequence is given. As the results of its application, then the inequation concerning operation sequence of matrix sum and product is offered. 利用分块矩阵的秩给出了矩阵的和与乘积秩的等式表示,作为结论应用,给出了矩阵的和与乘积等运算秩的有关不等式。
Adopting Sum-Product inferencing method, fuzzy controller of geometrical space irregular distributed function, which is superior than normal fuzzy controller and can promote the response property and robustness and reduce the parameter numbers in optimization. 采用SumProduct推理方法,等比间距不均匀分布隶属函数的模糊控制器,在控制性能上优于常规模糊控制器,可提高系统的快速性和鲁棒性,同时大大减少了隶属函数中需优化参数的个数。
The algorithms use Scalar Product Protocol, Index of the Minimum Value of Vector Sum Protocol, Secure Multiparty Multiplication Protocol, Secure Comparison Protocol and so on to achieve the privacy protection. 所提的算法通过采用点积协议,向量和最小值的索引协议,安全多方除法协议,以及安全比较等协议达到隐私保护。
On the one hand, this product is broken into fixed-income securities and option. Then use the methods of discounted cash flow and Monte-Carlo simulation to calculate the earnings of each part, finally sum them up to the total revenue. 一方面,将产品拆分为固定收益部分和期权部分,运用现金流贴现和蒙特卡罗模拟方法分别计算两部分的收益,加总得到总收益。
The so-called order delivery time is an enterprise from the receipt of customer orders to product delivery to the warehouse or place of the sum of the time specified by a customer. 所谓订单交货周期是指企业从收到客户的订单开始到产品交付到客户指定的仓库或地点的时间总和。